It is with deep feelings of sadness and loss that we announce the demise of Shri G.V. Eswarji on 3rd December 2015 in Coimbatore. A stalwart of our Mission, his devotion and dedication to Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji were exemplary. Ever spontaneous in response, large hearted and generous in giving, and prompt in action – these were some of the characteristic features of his many faceted personality. He
supported all our major projects – Chinmaya International Residential School, Chinmaya International Foundation, Chinmaya Vibhooti, Upanishad Ganga and Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, to name some – and many smaller centres of the Chinmaya Mission as well. Indeed, we will miss him a lot! Our heartfelt condolences to his devoted wife Smt. Ushaji and beloved daughter Sridevi and her family.
May God and Pujya Gurudev bless them all and bestow strength to bear this painful loss.
– Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda