Chinmaya Vidyalaya Vidyanagar Kasargod observed the closing ceremony of the Birth Centenary Celebration of Pujya Gurudev the spiritual legend, with great enthusiasm.
 The inaugural function was headed by Shri B.M. Hegde, a well known cardiologist, great orator and also vice-chancellor of Manipal University. In this auspicious occasion a great thought provoking speech was delivered which took the audience to the world of Scientific facts. The concept of ‘Human Body is the temple of living God’ could reach to the gathering through the sacred words of Shri Hegde. Heroes of the past, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and their ideas were made alive through live examples.
Apart from these, a grand feast to the eyes was organized under the leadership of Laxmi Prabha. Memories of Pujya Gurudev were cherised with the video clippings. A grand feast was also organized.