34th All India Chinmaya Yuva Kendra Conference

The Chinmaya International Residential School campus provided a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the 34th All India Chinmaya Yuva Kendra (AICHYK) Conference, with over 125 participants including 33 Swamins and Brahmacharins, as well as enthusiastic youth from 61 Centres across Bharat. The attendees were eager to connect, exchange ideas and immerse themselves in Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s teachings, inspired to bring positive change at their Centres.

Swami Swaroopananda, the Global Head of Chinmaya Mission and Chairman of AICHYK, was welcomed for the inauguration with the traditional Purna Kumbha followed by the hoisting of the Dhvaja – flag bearing the CHYK emblem. In his address, he reflected on his own journey, highlighting the enduring principle of ‘once a Chyk, always a Chyk’ that defines the spirit of CHYK. He fondly recalled the profound words of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda, who emphasised the infinite potential within each individual, stating, “If infinite is your nature, then infinite is your potential. Therefore, there are no heights that you cannot scale.”

This Conference held special significance as it coincided with the 108th Chinmaya Jayanti. Additionally, the upcoming years mark significant milestones, with 2025 commemorating the 50th year of CHYK and 2026 celebrating the 75th year of the Chinmaya Movement.

Some of the important sessions were as follows:

Presentations on major programs/activities in 2023-2024 – CHYK Centres of Chennai, Kadapa, Brahmapur, Goa, Mumbai, Noida, CORD Sidhbari and others, shared insights on the impact of CHYK projects and activities conducted in the last year.

Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s Talk – Youth Alone Can: an eye opener for all on the clarity with which He envisioned CHYK for the youth of Bharat. His words left a great impact and participants could be seen discussing and mulling over the thoughts even after the session.

Presentations and discussions on ‘CHYK Vision & Mission’ and ‘Envisioning Chyk for the next 20 years: Challenges and Opportunities’ were facilitated by Swami Turiyananda, Brahmachari Anand Chaitanya, Brahmachari Sudheer Chaitanya, Brahmachari Vighnesh Chaitanya and Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya.

Youth Empowerment Program (YEP-14) – Swami Anukoolananda spoke about the visionary program that began in 2003 and with thirteen successful batches of around 450+ empowered YuvaVeers continues to support grass-root activities and projects across Bharat. He emphasised the impact of the program and how it is imperative that Chinmaya Mission centres support YEP-14 by sending potential participants, hosting YuvaVeers during their training and funding the course.

CHYK 50 years – RRR-7 – This is the nation building project to be implemented in the 50th year of CHYK across Bharat. YuvaVeer Radha Narayan spoke on the visionary initiative by Swami Mitrananda of compiling history books – that were published as a set of three, titled Radiant, Resilient, Resurgent Bharat for classes 6, 7 and 8.

Swami Anukoolananda elaborated on the set of competitions and their structure that is being planned for implementation in 2025, sharing insights into possible numbers to be reached and teams to be built. Based on the inputs given, all participants sat in their respective State groups and discussed the possible preparatory guidelines and plan of execution.

CHYK Personal Transformation Programs – Swami Anukoolananda presented insights that should be implemented by all CHYK Centres. Topics covered included Daily Sadhana for Transformation, 52 Challenges for 52 weeks, Sadhana Camps for Youth, and so on.

Drug Demand Reduction program – awareness and actionables for outreach among youth and school groups. Swami Anukoolananda conducted this presentation for the Conference participants.

Outreach initiatives were emphasised in a special session covering – CHYK Alumni meet, CHYK Transformation Circle. Social Media Outreach and Collaboration were presented by Brahmachari Sanatan Chaitanya with the team from Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth and Chinmaya Vidyalayas Jamshedpur, Bokaro and Kannur

State groups brainstormed on the planning of targets, sevak building, outreach initiatives to be implemented in each Centre and State for 2024-25.

Each day began with a Sadhana session emphasising the importance of being consistent in our sadhana. Japa sadhana of Rama Nama, chanting the Guru Stotra and Chinmaya Ashtottara Shata Namavali and Dhyana were the three sadhanas that were focussed on, led by Swami Sughoshananda, Swami Atmavidananda, Swami Vijayananda, Brahmacharini Anupama Chaitanya and Brahmachari Narayana Chaitanya. Evening sessions with Arati and Bhajans invoked devotion in all.

Besides these, everyone was enthralled with lucid Satsang sessions on ‘Mantras for Success Geeta Speaks’ by Brahmacharini Maitreyi Chaitanya, Brahmacharini Anupama Chaitanya and Brahmacharini Usha Chaitanya, and ‘Gurudev Mahima’ by Swami Vijayananda, Brahmachari Vighnesh Chaitanya and Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya.

A highlight was a special Q&A session with Swami Swaroopananda where participants freely asked their doubts about life situations and received clarity on each. A night walk challenge added spice to the entire Conference, helping each participant face their own fears and overcome them.

The Conference provided a platform for attendees to engage in meaningful discussions, workshops, and activities, empowering them to embody Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s teachings and make a positive impact in society. The Conference concluded ceremoniously with offering of gratitude unto the Guruparampara, taking the Chinmaya Pledge and lowering of the CHYK-dhvaja. Participants left with renewed zeal and determination to uphold the values of the Chinmaya Yuva Kendra and continue their journey of self-discovery and service at the highest altar.

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