Pujya Swami Hamsananda of Hubli centre conducted a Jnana Yajna at Rajeshwari Vidyashala, R R Nagar from 26th June to 2nd July taking Hanuman Chalisa in the evenings and Sadhana Panchakam in the mornings. The Yajna was inaugurated by Dr. Mohan, secretary of school and Rajeshwari Charitable Hospital. Swamiji brought out the essence of Hanuman Chalisa linking it to our daily sadhana and how just this one composition is enough to liberate mankind from the ocean of samsara. Swamiji also mentioned how we all believe in God, but do not have faith in God. Hanumanji is an embodiment of fearlessness arising out of absolute, unshakable faith in the Lord. Study of Sadhana Panchakam helps the sadhak to strive in the path of sadhana and gain the absolute knowledge. The Yajna was well attended.
Swamiji also conducted mid-day class on Saraswati Puja Vidhi for the Devi Group members. He also conducted a Balvihar Meet on 2nd July and a Youth Meet on 3rd July which were well attended.
Pujya Br Sujay Chaitanya of Mangalore centre conducted a Jnana Yajna in English at Jayarama Seva Mandali, Jayanagar from 3rd July to 10th July taking Amrita Bindu Upanishad in the evenings. The Yajna was inaugurated by Pujya Swami Brahmananda. This Yajna happened to mark 25 years of association between Chinmaya Mission and Jayarama Seva Mandali. Pujya Sujayji explained the importance of understanding the fact that it is necessary to purify the mind from all negative thoughts and dwell only in such activities that tend to calm and keep the mind inwards away from the external objects that tend to make the mind extrovert. It is also necessary to understand the impermanent nature of the body, mind and intellect so that one can strive to understand the all pervading, omnipotent, changeless entity that constitutes our very nature – Sat Chit Ananda. The Yajna was well attended.
Sujayji also conducted a Youth Meet on 10th July which was attended by over 30 youngsters.
Pujya Swami Brahmananda conducted a Gita Jnana Yajna in Kannada from 15th July to 21st July at Bunts Sangha, Vijayangar taking Bhagavad Gita chapter 17 in the evenings. The Yajna was inaugurated by Sri K Krishnamurthy, President and Managing Director, Rambus Chip Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd who is also an ardent devotee of Pujya Gurudev and a senior mission member. Pujya Swamiji stressed the importance of developing absolute and unflinching faith in the scriptures and Guru if one has to blossom in the spiritual field and understand the ultimate Truth that ‘I’ am not the body, mind & intellect but the all pervading life principle – Sat Chit Ananda. The three Gunas play a very important role in a person’s life and personality influencing every aspect of character, personality and daily living but it is important to evolve from Tamas to Rajas and ultimately Satwa controlling the senses through puja, japa and meditation so as to train the mind to become calm and serene to face life in a meaningful way. Guru Poornima was observed on 19/07/2016 through Vyas Ashtotra, Chinmaya Astotra, Bhajans and Paduka Puja. The Yajna was very well attended.
Pujya Br Sujay Chaitanya of Mangalore centre conducted a Jnana Yajna in English at Prarthana Mandir, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Koramangla from 24th July to 30th July taking Amrita Bindu Upanishad in the evenings. The Yajna was inaugurated by Sri B Krishnakumar, president of the Mission. Explaining in detail the impure and pure mind, Pujya Sujayji explained how the impure mind can be purged and evolved to become pure through constant introspection, meditation and Satsang so that it can through the light of knowledge grasp the fact that all names and forms are just appearances projected as the reflected moons in different pots but the ultimate TRUTH is the all pervading immutable Self which is beyond all division, speculation and logic. The Yajna was well attended and Pujya Sujayji conducted a youth meet on Sunday 31st, July whcih was attended by over 30 youngsters.