On conclusion of another successful Yagna in London, Pujya Guruji was very pleased and expressed great satisfaction with the efforts of the entire Chinmaya Mission UK family for putting together the event with so much dedication and love. We would like to thank everyone for contributing to this event in the selfless spirit of karma yoga.
In presiding over the last Trust meeting before His departure, Guruji recalled of when he was called to serve as the head of the mission in 1993, how from modest beginnings, the UK chapter has grown into a vibrant and dynamic mission it is today, with vastly increased following and outreaches beyond London. With tireless dedication and devotion, the Mission in the UK has established a very active center at Chinmaya Kirti in Hendon, and has recently added the Chinmaya Vidya Nagri (CVN) at Oxford and with Ramesh Pattni, having recently been invested with doctorate from University of Oxford, we look forward to his even greater contribution towards development of the Mission and in particular CVN.
Rupin Vadera and Tushar Karia have both been expressing their wish for some time now to step down from the Trust Board and Working Committee due to health and work reasons, although both have reiterated their commitment to serving the Mission in whatever way they can. Pujya Guruji and all the board members recognized the enormous contribution Rupin has made in building up the Mission over the last decades, very ably supported by Tushar Karia. Guruji was clear in his mind that though He honoured their wish to step down, He had no doubt that both Rupin and Tushar would remain in the Mission just as the Mission will remain in them and that they will be ever prepared to support the aims and projects of the Mission.
Guruji then nominated Suresh Wadhwani, who has served as the Vice-President for many years, to take over as the new President and remarked that Suresh has worked tirelessly and devotedly for the Mission and without doubt is equipped to take the responsibilities ably. The Board members honoured and accepted Guruji’s decision and affirmed their commitment to serving the Mission with their best efforts.
The Trust Board looks forward to all of us collectively working together in yajna spirit to build on the strong foundation passed on to us and take the Mission to greater heights as our offering to the vision of Pujya Gurudev.