The Role of Bhakti in Advaita Vedanta

Chinmaya Mission Mumbai’s Mahima Zone hosted a virtual Zoom discourse on 12 March 2022 titled “The Role of Bhakti in Advaita Vedanta” and Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya (CIF) conducted the event, followed by an interactive Q&A session.

Jaishree performed the invocation and Sunitha moderated the session. Over 100 attendees were able to benefit from the detailed exposition from Br Ved, who shared insights about the path of Bhakti and the path of Vedanta and guided seekers on the unison of both paths.

He shared insights about ways to inculcate Bhakti and how it is an important stepping stone in achieving Jnana and Self Realization. He went on to use various examples to clear all doubts in this regard.

Addressing this particular topic encouraged seekers to use Upasana / Puja / Tapas / Japa / Sadhana as tools to inculcate Bhakti.

The event, which was met with a wonderful response, concluded with prayers.

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