Satsang in Malleswaram, Bengaluru

Swamini Kashikananda of Koramangala Centre in Bengaluru conducted a Satsang on ‘Glory of Ramayana’ in Malleswaram on 4 June 2023 to observe the 27th Punyatithi of Brahmaleen Swamini Darshanananda who left her mortal body on 2 June 1996 after a very purposeful life serving Chinmaya Mission in various capacities in different Centres of Karnataka. The programme consisted of bhajans and chanting of Vishnu Sahasranama followed by Satsang in the divine presence of Swamini Sampannananda.

Swamini Kashikananda highlighted the significance of Ramayana as applicable to the modern generation, referring to Rama, Sita, Bharata, Lakshmana, Guha, Jatayu and Hanuman. We should study Ramayana not just as a story, but try to learn the underlying message that each great hero is trying to convey. Even the negative characters have a lot to convey, warning us of our possible downfall if we neglect to watch our mind that always tries to run behind the outer attractive world. Every human relation – son, brother, husband, wife, devotee, enemy – is dealt with in the epic showing clearly the ideal behaviour that has no parallel.

Lord Rama, throughout the epic, led the life of an ordinary human being, never exhibiting divine powers, showing the entire humanity that righteous living in accordance with Dharmic principles can raise a human to a divine status. Every hero in the epic – even those who appear for a very short duration – convey tremendous morals, creating an impact. Progress on the spiritual path is not a cakewalk; it needs immense patience, perseverance, sincerity and dedication.

The Satsang was well attended by local devotees.


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