Dear Shri Swami Chinmayaji,
“Om Namo Narayanaya”
I was in due receipt of your letter. I think now you are now at Delhi and have already begun your yagna. But no notice or anything is received here yet.
Pt .Vallabha Ramji of Ahmedabad is here at present. He has come here to see my body and also its present condition. He has arranged to do some treatment – to take some medicine and also to take injection with the help of local doctors. He is returning tomorrow and probably will see you at New Delhi.
Anyhow physical condition is not good. It is going down day by day. Even to walk a little has become difficult. In such a physical condition how can I be able to go to Rishikesh. I am now not hopeful.
Br. Sundaram is here and staying in the outside Kutia. He says he will stay and serve. Write to him to stay here at any cost with me in winters. If he stays, it will be highly useful. How long the body will stand, I cannot say. Therefore a young man like Br is absolutely useful and necessary.
If any application etc. is to be done, then give him instruction, he gladly will do all those things sitting here.
Rest all after receiving your letter.
Swami Tapovanam