Pujya Swami Gahanananda of Dharwad centre conducted a Gita Jnana Yajna in English from 2/11/2015 to 8/11/2015 at SNEA Bhavan, Sahakaranagar taking Bhagavad Gita chapter 13. The Yajna was inaugurated by Sri Jagannath Guptha, senior member of the Mission. The ever turbulent mind can be successfully controlled only through seva, devotion and study of scriptures thereby acquiring the noble qualities like humility, forbearance, non-injury, etc., which will ultimately help in realizing the supreme Truth that ‘I’ am not the body but all pervading Jyoti enlivening the entire universe of name and form. The Yajna was well attended.
Pujya Swami Brahmananda conducted a Gita Jnana Yajna in Kannada from 15/11/2015 to 21/11/2015 at Kailas Ashram’s Shivratnapuri Bhavan taking Bhagavad Gita chapter 14. The Yajna was inaugurated by H H Jagadguru Jayendra Puri Swamiji of Kailash Ashram Mahasamsthana. Pujya Swamiji explained the importance of transcending all the three Gunas and abiding in the Self so that one can lead a peaceful life remaining ever active serving the society. Our rishis have left behind the treasure of wisdom and practices for us to just follow and gain the everlasting peace and tranquility that they discovered from the seat of meditation. The Yajna was attended by over 800 sadhaks.
Pujya Br, Sujay Chaitnya of Mangalore centre conducted a Jnana Yajna in English from 23/11/2015 to 29/11/2015 at Jayarama Seva Mandali, Jayanagar taking Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi’s Upadesha Sara. The Yajna was inaugurated by Sri Basavaraj, senior member of temple trust. The normal understanding that happiness can be achieved only through actions is negated by Ramana Maharshi as everlasting joy can never be achieved through finite actions. Selfless actions surrendering the fruits to the Lord with humility and gratitude will purify the mind making it to soar to heights of tranquility when all kartrutva and bhoktrutva bhava get dissolved. This will help in destroying the mind and merge with the supreme Consciousness. The Yajna was well attended.
Kartika Masa special puja was performed at Malleswaram centre on 28/11/2015 with bhajans and Rudrabhisheka followed by satsang on Shiva Mahimna Stotram by Pujya Swami Brahmananda. Remembering the glory of Shiva who is the epitome of vairagya and knowledge one can attain the supreme knowledge that removes the delusion and attachment to worldly objects enabling sincere sadhaks to come out of the shackles of ignorance and gain experience of a Mumukshu.
Paduka Pujas in 1000 houses has picked up momemtum with almost 700 Paduka Pujas completed as on 30/11/2015.