Brni Vasumana Chaitanya of Mysore conducted a Gita Jnana Yajna in English at Sharada Mandir, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Koramangala from 13/11/2016 to 19/11/2016 taking Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12. The Yajna was inaugurated by Sri B Krishna Kumar president of the Mission along with Smt Ambika Nair and Smt Shanta Venugopalan senior members of the Mission. Brni Vasumanaji explained the concept of devotion as not a passive taking but dynamic giving. She elaborated that a true devotee never asks anything as the Ego dissolves but enjoys in selfless service of society which results in chitta shuddhi paving way for realising the supreme knowledge of the Self.
The Yajna was well attended.
Swami Adityananda of Mandya conducted a Gita Jnana Yajna in Kannada at Chinmaya Mission, Vijayanagar Centre between 20/11/2016 to 27/11/2016 taking Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 in the evenings and Mundakopanishad in the mornings. The Yajna was inaugurated by Sri Bhaskar Kamath, senior mission member. Swamiji stressed on the need to control the mind through right knowledge and practical wisdom to realise the fact that the outer world is nothing but an illusion. One has to rise above the level of physical manifest universe to understand the supreme Self knowing which the truth regarding creator, sustainer and destructor gets revealed. It is only through the light of knowledge that one can cross the ocean of Samsara burning all ignorance severing all bondages.
The Yajna was very well attended.
The annual Balavihar competitions for Sub juniors was conducted at Deenabandhu Temple, Indiranagar, Bengaluru on Sunday, November 20, 2016 in the holy presence of Pujya Swami Brahmananda. Ganesha stotram, Lingashtakam, Saraswati stotram and Balamukundashtakam along with English and Kannada story telling drew very good participation. Sri Ravi Pillai, trustee of the Mission inaugurated the programme with the chief guest, Smt Nirmala Menon giving away the prizes to winners as Pujya Swami Brahmananda himself announced the results.
Kartika Masa was observed in all the centres in Bengaluru with Satsang, special Puja and lighting. In Sripaadakshetra, J P Nagar, abode of Lord Dakshinamurthy, Rudrabhisheka, special puja, decoration and lighting followed by soul stirring musical programmes on all the four Mondays of the month drew thousands of devotees from all over the city. Satsang by Pujya Swami Brahmananda on 14/11 2016 was attended by over 700 devotees. Pujya Swami Adityananda conducted Satsang in Malleswaram Centre while Pujya Brn Vasumana Chaitannya conducted Satsang in Sharada Mandir, Koramangala.