Chinmaya Resources 108

Paduka Puja

Guru Paduka Puja is an offering to our Pujya Gurudev out of love, reverence and gratitude for all of the teachings that we have received from our entire Guru Parampara (lineage of teachers). It also represents our complete surrender at the lotus feet of our Guru, who is guiding us all along in this wonderful but unknown spiritual journey.

Here is some material on how to perform Guru Paduka Puja.

Daily Sadhanas

Sadhanas or spiritual practices are essential part of a daily routine of any seeker in order to make a steady progress. However, there are so many spiritual practices provided by our Gurus over centuries that it might be difficult for us to identify and select the right sadhana at the right time in your spiritual path. This is where Pujya Gurudev’s teachings come to help us and what’s more we can directly perform them with the help of some guidance provided here.

Perform your daily sadhanas as prescribed by Pujya Gurudev under his guidance here…

Article by Swami Aparajitananda

In Bhagavad Gītā it is said:
yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānirbhavati bhārata |
abhyuthānam adharmasya tadātmānaṁ sṛjāmyaham ||
(=Whenever there is a decline of dharma and an ascent of adharma, I manifest Myself.)

In the initial years of the 20th century, India was going through a painful phase. It was a time when the successive foreign rules had made the Indians forget their own glorious culture.

Read More.

Two Awards for CVV BA Sanskrit Student

We’re thrilled to announce that Alok Kumar, third-year BA Sanskrit student at Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Deemed to be University, won two prizes at the Akhila Bharatiya Shastriya Spardha organised by the Central Sanskrit University in Ayodhya!

Alok bagged a silver medal in Aksharashloki and a bronze medal in Shastriya Sphurti (Quiz).
Students from all over India participated in this 4-day event from 21st to 24th March 2024, representing their respective states. The judges for Aksharashloki were none other than the great scholars and avadhanis, MM Dorbala Prabhakar, Dr. Ganesh Ishwar Bhat, and Dr. Ramakrishna Pejathaya.

In Shastriya Sphurti, questions were asked from all the major Shastras such as Vedas, Vyakarana, Sahitya, Jyotisha, and Purana-Itihasa, followed by rapid-fire questions.

We are proud of Alok’s achievement and wish him all the best for his future endeavors!

Gita Talks in Johannesburg

Chinmaya Mission Johannesburg hosted a six-day Jnana Yajna by Swami Abhedananda, from 25 February to 1 March 2024 on the topic “Karma Yoga – Unravel the Secrets” based on the third chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.

The people of The City of Gold (as Johannesburg is known), were indeed thirsty for the sweet nectar of Mother Gita, and Swami Abhedananda quenched that thirst, with his humorous, enchanting and enlightening talks!

Each morning began with the deeply thought-provoking class on Panchadashi, and the day ended with evening Gita classes where the essence of Karma Yoga was unveiled. The devotees were treated, each evening, to a sumptuous dinner, lovingly prepared by the Ashram families, and then had an informal Q&A session.

Between classes, enthusiastic and devoted families hosted Swami Abhedananda in their homes for lunch bhiksha, together with the Brahmacharins and the Ashram sevaks. The beaming faces of the host families clearly showed their love and support for Chinmaya Mission.

Efforts for EQUALity Initiative in Niagara, Canada

From Sankranti (14 January 2024) to Shivaratri (8 March 2024), the Efforts for EQUALity (EFE) initiative, spearheaded by Shri Vivek Gupta of Chinmaya Mission (CM) Niagara Falls, aimed to foster greater contemplation, collection and contribution in the community. Divided into three distinct and interconnected components, the initiative brought together seekers from various CM Centres to make a meaningful impact.

The initiative comprised of:

Contemplation – giving Effort
Led by Shri Vivek, registered seekers participated in daily guided contemplation sessions at 5:30 AM ET for 30 minutes for 54 days from Sankranti to Shivaratri. This unique opportunity instilled discipline by waking early and cultivating a habit of regular contemplation.

Collection – giving Time
Throughout North America, food bank usage has increased where demand for food bank services far outweighs the supply. Seekers in the community gathered resources in the form of collecting 10,800 pounds of non-perishable food for their local food banks. While the initiative faced a slow start, momentum grew towards the end of February and early March. Ultimately, the efforts culminated in over 15,700 pounds of food being collected. The community achieved 146% of their 10,800 pounds goal.

Contribution – giving Resources
Seekers raised funds for the Mississippi Food Network in the US and the Akshaya Patra Foundation in India. The Community’s generosity in giving resources expressed itself through the completion of raising over $54,000 and achieved 108% of the goal.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Guru Shishya Parampara for inspiring us with this challenge and to all those who supported this initiative. As part of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s 108th Jayanti (His Jayanti is also known as Seva day in Chinmaya Mission), the Community’s contributions have made a significant difference in the lives of those in need, exemplifying the spirit of compassion and unity within our community.

By Vinita Uppal (sevika from Chinmaya Mission Calgary)

Session at British School, Manila

Brahmacharini Sangita Chaitanya visited the British School Manila (BSM) on 5 March 2024, to introduce a group of 60 students to Hinduism, its basic beliefs, and its rites and rituals, as part of their class on World Religions. She also conducted an activity and a Q&A session. A wonderful opportunity to share inspiration through education.

Swamini Aaradhanananda attains Mahasamadhi

Swamini Aaradhanananda peacefully took final refuge at the lotus feet of Pujya Gurudev in Mumbai, at 12.16 AM on 22 March 2024.

A student of the 1991-1993 batch of the Vedanta Course at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Powai, Mumbai, she went on to receive Brahmacharya Deeksha in May 1993, when she was given the name Brahmacharini Vividisha Chaitanya.

In February 2012, she received Sannyasa Deeksha from Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda, and became Swamini Aaradhanananda.

Her illustrious 30-year tenure at Central Chinmaya Mission Trust in Powai, Mumbai, was marked by an array of remarkable contributions and her vibrant spirit manifested in diverse talents, exceptional traits and deep devotion towards Radha Rani.

As the editor of Balvihar magazine, Swamini Aaradhanananda poured her heart into crafting an enriching tapestry of content for children. Each issue, meticulously curated, brimmed with jokes, puzzles, special celebrations, captivating stories, thought-provoking articles and enchanting drawings. Also the author of 11 books for children, her unwavering commitment to nurturing young minds fostered an environment of joy, learning and spiritual growth.

Her mastery of mimicry brought delight and laughter, while her eloquent command over English filled the magazine’s pages with grace and charm. Beyond linguistic prowess, her poetic compositions wove tales of inspiration and wonder.

She will be remembered for her immense seva to Chinmaya Mission, which she offered with great devotion. Our respectful homage to Swamini Aaradhanananda.

Make It Happen at Chinmaya Vibhooti

40 delegates from around the world attended Swami Swaroopananda’s life-changing Make It Happen course from 28 February to 5 March 2024 at Chinmaya Vibhooti, the Vision Centre of Chinmaya Mission, located at Mulshi, near Pune.

The course was packed with thought-provoking classes, impactful activities and exercises, introspection tools and lots of individual guidance from Swami Swaroopananda.

Make It Happen is an inward journey which reveals life’s unique purpose and allows delegates to overcome the mind’s deepest limitations and discover success, significance and fulfillment.

The ambience, delicious food, attention to detail and camaraderie between the group contributed to the fabulous experience.

Gita Talks in Singapore

Swami Swaroopananda (Global Head, Chinmaya Mission) delivered an uplifting series of evening talks on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 at PGP Auditorium in Singapore, from 13 to 17 March, 2024.

Reflecting on ‘The Great Secret: A Confidential Message from Lord Krishna’ he focused on how spirituality can seamlessly become part of one’s daily life. The enthusiasm and active engagement of the audience made these discourses a memorable experience for all.

Mahashivaratri Celebrations at Jagadeeshwara Mandir

The magnificent Jagadeeshwara Mandir at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Powai, Mumbai, was the first ever Chinmaya Mission temple to be consecrated by Swami Chinmayananda, at the first ever Chinmaya Mission ashram. Every year, hundreds of thousands of devotees throng to behold and receive blessings from the beautiful and powerful deity, from near and far.

This year was no different. There was a long, steady stream of devotees throughout the day, while Puja, Chanting and Arati went on.

The blessed and memorable event took place in the presence of Swami Tejomayananda, Swami Swaroopananda, Swami Advayananda, Swami Sharadananda and several other Swamins, Brahmacharins, students, sevaks, staff and volunteers. The book stall, gift stalls and information stalls were a special attraction.

All those who attended partook of Prasad, and left feeling uplifted and deeply blessed and fortunate. Such is the grace and power of the ever sweetly and serenely smiling Shri Jagadeeshwara.