Bhakti Sadhana Retreat in Hindi by Pujya Guruji

Vimeography error: the Vimeo source for this gallery does not have any videos.

What is an eCamp?

While the best way to learn our scriptures is by sitting near the Guru and tuning in with Him, in the current times it is not always possible for us to do this all the time. So eCamps are an opportunity to participate in camps remotely by listening, reflecting and staying in continuous satsang. eCamps are designed for sadhaks to balance between work and sadhana with the flexibility to study at the sadhak’s own convenient time. It is meant for those sadhaks who can consistently give an hour each day to keep pace and finish the course.

Where is the link to watch the eCamp videos?

Once registration is completed, the link to watch the eCamp video will be sent by a separate email along with the password to access the videos on the day before the eCamp start date.

Do we need a password to access the eCamp videos?

Yes, eCamp videos are available only to those who have registered and hence it is password protected. The password will be sent on the day before the eCamp start date.

Can we share the video watch link or password with our friends and family?

No. eCamp videos are to be accessed by registered users. an entire family or a study group can watch the videos together. Distributing the password to your friends is in violation of the ecamp guidelines.

Is there a time limit for watching the video?

Yes, eCamp videos will be removed as per the schedule published at the beginning of the camp. Please look for the schedule on the eCamp videos page.

Can we request for extension of expiry date for a specific video?

The eCamp scheudle is paced such that you need to spend only one hour a day and we strongly discourage change of schedules.

Can I download the video so that I can watch it later at my own convenience?

Unauthorized download of ecamp videos is a violation of our copyright infringement as well as ecamp guidelines and policy.

Is there a test video to check my system before the start of the camp?

Yes, Please use this link. http://www.chinmayamission.com/ecamp-sample-videos/

My video watching experience is not consistently good, what should I do?

Your watch experience is depends on the internet bandwidth available at your end. The video player automatically lowers the resolution to support the available bandwidth. For best experience, we recommend minimum 1 Mbps download speed.

What frequency will the videos be uploaded ?

Videos will be uploaded daily by 9.30AM IST. At the beginning of the camp, with the ecamp guidelines, eCamp sevak will notify you of the number of videos that are expected to be uploaded on each day as this will depend on the internet bandwidth and upload times from the broadcasting location.

I do not see new videos uploaded, how do I know if there is a delay?

CCMT will make every effort to upload videos of Pujya Guruji’s talks by 9.30 AM each day. If there is a delay in uploading the videos, our eCamp sevak will notify you of the same.