1. On 7 th May Paada Puja was performed by the children and teachers of chinmaya vidyalaya south Park Bistupur and vidya Bharati chinmaya vidyalaya telco.
2. On 7 th may bhajan sandhya was aorganised, at chinmaya vidyalaya south Park Bistupur, mission members teachers performed Paada Puja and redered Bhajans
3. On 8 th May , lunch was given to inmates of old age home of bharat sevasram sangh, mission members teachers and students of vidyalaya served lunch
4. On 8 th May at 6.30 PM the extension block of vidya bharati chinmaya vidyalaya was inaugurated by the plant head Tata Motors Mr A B Lal
5. Samashti Vishnu Sahasranama Archana was performed at the Vidya Bharati Chinmaya Vidyalaya by 1000 children, mission members and teachers, school committee members.
6. Bala vihar children performed Pada Puja chanted Geeta and bhajans in the bal vihar