The day started with Gayatri and Ayusya Homam and Paduka Puja. The birth of a Mahathma is the beginning of his divine work. So, it is appropriate that Gurudev’s Jayanti is celebrated as Seva Day. Blood Donation Camp co-ordinated by Shri Dhandapaniji, was organized at Chinmaya Surya from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and 100 units of Blood were donated to JIPMER Blood Bank. Also, annadhanam was arranged at various places viz.
JIPMER and Udhavi Karangal Home for Boys and Girls. “On a Quest”, a wonderful tribute to the life and the vision of Pujya Gurudev was screened in tamil- Thedal, at Chinmaya Surya. This was followed by a Paduka Puja, satsang and honouring of Smt. Raji Narayanan who co-ordinated the Illamthorum Geethai project of taking Srimad Bhagavat Gita and Pujya Gurudev to 100 Houses. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Prasad was arranged for all the participants throughout the day. More than 1500 devotees participated during the day. Through our sincere efforts, Pujya Gurudev who is ever installed in our hearts will become more and more radiant within and all around. May His grace and blessings flow through us to the world around us.