Lonely eyes began brimming with tears, vacant expressions steadily transforming into giggles and smiles, quivering arms reached out for a hug, wrinkled mouths opened wide to be fed – as a tribute to Pujya Gurudev on His 101st Birthday, the kindness and tender attention of our 11 to 13 year olds, exuberantly invaded and completely reshuffled the otherwise monotonous world of the old, the aged, the disabled, the helpless and the many, sadly left to be forgotten.
“We believe that the service of our country
Is the service of the Lord of lords
And devotion to the people
Is devotion to the Supreme Self.”
Translating these words from their memorised mission pledge into selfless dedicated actions out in the field, our Balavihar children exemplified the true gist of Seva Day and made us very proud.
Photos (on link below!) : Chinmaya Balavihar, Singapore goes to Econ Medicare Centre/ Old Age Home, bearing gifts and joy and unbounded love to share.