We celebrated Chinmaya Jyanti in a grand way. The entire Vidyalaya ambience wore a festive look. The students came in traditional dress to perform Gurupaduka Pooja. All the Vidyalaya Board Members, Mission Committee members, Vidyalaya staff and many parents were present to be a part of the Birth Centenary Celebration. The Celebration started at 7 a.m. Gurudev’s Padukas were brought in to the Santorum traditionally with Poornakumbham and vedic chantings. The devotees could feel the presence of the Great Master when Gurupaduka Pooja was performed in the hall decorated beautifully with flowers and lamps. The students gave speeches on life of Gurudev. The Principal, through his speech, urged the students to read the books on Gurudev and imbibe values by quoting various incidents on the life of Gurudev.
The entire school reverberated with Bhagawad Geeta Chanting, other chantings and melodious Bhajans and soaked the devotees in Bhakti Ras. The Grand Celebration was concluded with Chinmaya Aarathi , Shanti Path and distribution of Mahaprasad at 11 a.m.
The Birth Centenary Celebration of our Pujya Gurudev will remain fresh forever in everyone’s mind.