Chinmaya Mission Guwahati started Birth Centenary celebrations with a Prabhat Ferry around the City of Guwahati with over 100 devotees and well wishers. Memebers, Devi Group, CHYKs, BalVihar children with their parents and Teachers & students of GNT Chinmaya Vidyalaya in open trucks, private cars & bikes went around the city chanting “Sri Chinmaya SadGurave Namah” in loud speakers and filled the atmosphere with positive vibes. Some of the passersby also joined the ferry and started Chinmaya chanting.
On completion of the ferry participants had a community breakfast and soon after joined Guru Paduka Puja.
CM Guwahati has plans for day long celebrations with nos. of activities on the occasion of 100th Birth Day of Pujya Gurudev to make the day great.
After the success of morning programme, the afternoon and evening is pact with lots of programme for making the day memorable for CM Guwahati.
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