In Columbus OH, have started weekly virtual sessions via zoom for our Balavihar, Study groups, EC and board meetings. But this has not stopped us in serving our community and living by our mission pledge. Listed below are few initiatives that we are involved in virtually and/or physically maintaining social distancing and CDC guidelines.
1. Workshop with Vivekji for our larger Indian community via zoom partnering with FIA – Federation of Indian Association (Attaching poster)
2. CMC Covid – 19 Relief Initiatives ( Attached poster)
     a) Care Packages for health care workers and Front line workers
     b) Provide our little help to Food Pantries
     c) Emotional Support – We are also having a zoom session with kids to come together and write some messages, greeting cards, etc., this Tuesday 4/28 lead by our CHYKs Meghana Menta, Pavithra Kannan and Keerthana Anand.
 3) Online Relief fun has been set-up for donations.