Br. Raghavendra Chaitanya Ji of Chinmaya Mission Jhansi visited Babina cantt on 23rd Oct and gave inspiring talks to students of Modern Brilliant Public school and classes IX and X of Kendriya Vidyalaya Babina cantt. He described the various attributes of students and the five qualities to be developed by all students to be successful in their endeavor to acquire knowledge. He also discussed that the students have different identities which they choose for themselves.
Those children who identify themselves with personalities and careers which they want to become in their future are successful while those whose identity is determined by what they want to project themselves as in different situations are mislead and fail to achieve their goal. The function was presided by the Principal Mr. Rakesh Sharma and coordinated by Mr. Surendra Sahu. Br. Raghavendra Ji next visited Modern Brilliant Public school where he addressed about 170 students. He gave a discourse on Neeti Sashtra and also gave tips on how to be successful in student life. The students participated in the discussion with great enthusiasm and keen interest. The function was conducted by the principal Mr. Mukesh Sharma and in the end, Mr. Surendra Sahu thanked Br. Raghavendraji for his visit and the organisers for their effort.