Efforts for AWE in Niagara

In celebration of Earth Day 2024, Chinmaya Mission Niagara launched the Efforts for AWE (Air-Water-Earth) initiative to engage seekers in their individual and collective responsibilities to Prthvi Devi. The initiative, which ran from 1 April to 16 May, employed a three-pronged approach to encourage seekers to give their effort, resources and time to support air, water and earth, respectively.

Collectively, seekers were asked to plant 1,008 native plants to purify the air, donate US$54,000 to support water organizations One Drop and Water for People, and spend 1,008 hours collecting litter in service of the earth.

The programme brought seekers of all ages together to give back to Mother Earth, with many teaming up to organize local clean-up drives and planting events which drew in the wider community outside of Chinmaya Mission. During the course of the initiative, seekers proactively shared learnings and photos from these activities to inspire others to participate.

In total, the Efforts for AWE campaign generated 1,895 additional plants, over US$54,000 toward support of clean and safe access to water and 636 hours of
litter removal.

The initiative served to remind seekers of their duty to give back to
Mother Earth who Herself gives selflessly and to encourage them to continue
incorporating sustainable practices into their daily lives.

by Yaishna Santchurn

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