Bala Vihar Sevak Training in Mumbai

Start Date : 04 Jun 2024   TO    End Date : 06 Jun 2024

Chinmaya Mission Mumbai, Sagar Zone, invites you to become part of the Bala Vihar program, which helps children bloom, grow and inculcate values through fun-filled activities. Bala Vihar enhances the overall development of the personality of a child at all levels — physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. A teacher’s training workshop will be held:
Date: 4th, 5th & 6th June 2024 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Timings: 9 am to 5 pm
Venue: Panchsheel, ‘C’ Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400005

We invite you to attend this training workshop and join this initiative as teachers/sevaks. Entry free but by registration only. Lunch, tea and snacks will be served.

Registration details: Kindly click on the following link to register for the workshop:  

For further details, please contact: Rakhi Gandhi :+91 80970 31928


Other Details

Facilitator : -
Type : Other
City : Mumbai
State : Maharashtra
Country : India
Charges :
Centre : Chinmaya Mission Churchgate


+91 80970 31928

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