Chinmaya Mission West Gita Chanting Competition – Birth Centenary Celebrations 2015
Chinmaya Mission West Gita Chanting Competition - Birth Centenary Celebrations 2015 Pujya Gurudev, Swami Chinmayanada’s vision is to encourage Balavihar children to memorize Bhagavad Geeta verses with the hope that later as adults they will be inspired to understand and live Geeta. Read More>>
Hanuman Sundarkand Sadhana at Nagpur
As part of Chinmaya Birth Centenary program, Chinmaya Mission Nagpur celebrated Akhanda Sundar Kand path at the residence of Smt. Aparna Kabra under the guidance of Brni. Snehal ji, on 18th August 2015Read More>>
Pujya Guruji’s New Blog On Speaking Tree
ACTION TO PERFECTION BLOG 8: Perfection in Attitude Action is a very peculiar thing. It tends to bind the doer. We have all experienced that when we start doing some karma (action), we think we will do just a little and stop there. Read More>>