Understanding Marriage Retreat at Chinmaya Somnath in Chantilly, VA
UNDERSTANDING MARRIAGE: THE VEDANTIC PERSPECTIVE By: Deepika Reddy Allana “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.” This is a quote from Vivekji at the 2nd annual Understanding Marriage Retreat held at Chinmaya Somnath in Chantilly, VA over Memorial DRead More>>
Pujya Guruji’s Birthday Celebration at Los Angeles
Hari Om!Pranams! Pujya Guruji is the quintessence of Knowledge, Devotion and Service and our inspiration. All across the world, special greetings of abundant love and gratitude was showered upon Pujya Guruji. Sharing the special moments on account of the 65th Birthday Celebration of our DeareRead More>>
Pujya Guruji’s Camp at Krishnalaya,California
Vedanta Camp 2015 June 15 –June 22, 2015 at Krishnalaya, Piercy, California. Once again, in the glorious year of the celebration of Gurudev’s birth centenary, we happily and gratefully renewed our presence in the peaceful, auspicious environment of Krishnalaya, nestled in the foothills of theRead More>>