Acharya Sharada Kumar at Michigan Women’s Expo Hall Of Fame
A blessing for Michigan. Sharada Kumarji is the power behind Chinmaya Mission and Chinmaya Bala Vihars across the USA. She is a coordinating committee member of the Interfaith Round Table of Washtenaw County and also serves in the Ethics committee of Science and Religion at the University of MichigaRead More>>
CBCC Launch at CM St Augustine May 8, 2015
Chinmaya Birth Centenary Celebration May 2015, Chinmaya Mission St Augustine, USA As reported by Shanti Shivaya When I first walked in to the Chinmaya Birth Centenary Celebration on the afternoon of Saturday, May 9, the beauty of the newly erected altar to Gurudev brought me to a full stop â€Read More>>
International Yoga Day: CM, Delhi
International Day of Yoga celebrated in Chinmaya Mission - In response to the call by our Honourable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi at the UN General Assembly, this ancient Indian tradition, embodying the unity of mind and body has found world recognition. The UN declared 21st June as INTERNATIONARead More>>