Krishna Enchated: CM, Mombosa,Kenya
KRISHNA ENCHANTED! The children of Chinmaya Mission Mombasa chanted verses from the Bhagwad Gita Chapter 15 on 30/5/2015 in preparation for the International Gita Chanting competition in Vibhooti in December 2015. Although few had to be short listed for Vibhooti, all the 18 children who participaRead More>>
My Attitude Youth Camp – CHYK Ahmedabad
Led by Br. Atharvana Chaitanya ji, Chinmaya Yuva Kendra (#CHYK) Ahmedabad, concluded a series of 12 - one day youth camps Called "MY (Mind Your) life" touching upon 12 different aspects of life with the goal of bringing about a positive inner transformation in youth. The grand finale of the series wRead More>>
“Right Thinking” – Balavihar Workshop at Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka
Chinmaya Mission. Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka conducted a one day Balavihar workshop titled "Right Thinking" under the guidance of Brahmachari Shivendra Chaitanya on the 16th May, 2015 . The workshop saw the particiaption of over 141 students(Age 11 - Age 16 ) from five leading schools in KilinochRead More>>