Inauguration of Matsya Narayana Temple – Uthandi, Chennai
In the Birth Centenary Year of Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji, Chinmaya Tarangini was inaugurated by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayanandaji on 24th May, 2015 at Uthandi, Chennai. Speaking at the Mahasamprokshanam of the Sri Matsyanarayana Dhyana Niketan, Pujya Guruji said that the land in which the tempRead More>>
Guru Nivas – inaugurated by Pujya Guruji
"GURU NIVAS", Gurudev's Birth Centenary Block at Chinmaya Gardens was inaugurated by Pujya Guruji on 22nd May,2015.Read More>>
Gnana Yajna at Chinmaya Mission, Lucknow
A Gyan Yagna on Shri Ram Charit Manas, Vibhishan Gita was conducted by Br. Kaushik Chaitanya, from Chinmaya Mission Lucknow at Siddheshwar Mahadev Temple from 11th to 15th April 2015 The Yagna was inaugurated by Shri Vidya Sagar Gupta, Ex-MLA through lighting of the lamp and garlanding of Reverend Read More>>