Happy Birthday Pujya Guruji!
We have received numerous emails from you wishing Pujya Guruji a very happy birthday. Thank you! Ayush Homa being performed for Pujya Guruji at Powai Read More>>
Chinmaya Mission Initiative at Kargil
We have the second batch of students from the Kargil region studying in our Chinmaya Vidyalaya in Kannur. Chinmaya Mission and the Army look after all their expenses and we give them accommodation in our hostels in the campus. These students are from different religions and only know Hindi and hardRead More>>
Chinmaya Haridwar Inauguration at Hillsboro, Oregon
We recently moved into our new facility in Hillsboro, Oregon. Guruji named it ‘Chinmaya Haridwar’ after ‘Port’land, Oregon. Guruji said that a portal is a door and since ‘Hari’ is the door to realization ‘Chinmaya Haridwar’ would be apt. We had a wonderful inauguration that we celeRead More>>