Mother’s Day Seva Project at Chinmaya Seva Centre, Singapore
Invaluable is the role of a Mother in her physical presence - but even higher and greater is that of the SHASTRAS in our lives. Both nurture and care for us guiding us to manifest our personal and highest best in life. The only difference being, a Mother is a benevolent gift of the Universe that comRead More>>
Activities in Bengaluru during April 2018
Gita Jnana Yajna by Pujya Swami Krutatmananda Pujya Swami Krutatmananda of Hubli & Dharwad centres conducted a Gita Jnana Yajna in Kannada at Deenabandhu Temple, Indiranagar from 22nd to 28th April, 2018 taking Bhagavad Gita Chapter – 14. The Yajna was inaugurated by Sri Ravikumar, senior devRead More>>
Chinmaya Shubh Sahas 2018 – Adventure Camp for CV students
86 students from 11 CVs participated in this 16 th Shubh Sahas - adventure camp for organised by CCMT-EC at Chinmaya Gardens, Coimbatore from 5 th to 8 th May 2017. The camp was conducted by team from Sieger Training Consultants, Chennai. Swami Anukoolananda inspired the students in the inaugural taRead More>>