Inauguration of the 17th Vedanta Course at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya
As our Pujya Guruji teaches us in Hindu Culture, the temple in Hindu tradition is not only for the purpose of fulfilling the spiritual needs of an individual – it is also a place for secular learning, for spiritual discourse, for the celebration of special festivals, and for the dedication of musRead More>>
Geeta Gyan Yagna organised by Chinmaya Mission Jaipur
Chinmaya Mission, Jaipur was fortunate and blessed for a second time this year to be in the Divine presence of Pujya Swami Subodhanandaji, and get drenched in ultimate knowledge through GyanYajna on 12th chapter of Srimad Bhagavad Gita from 16th - 22nd August 2017 at prestigious Panchayati Raj SanstRead More>>
2017 CMH Bala Vihar Teacher’s Training
Inspired training workshop for Bala Vihar teachers During the weekend of August 19-20, 2017, Chinmaya Mission Houston hosted the much awaited Balavihar Teachers’ Training workshop that drew over 190 onsite and 150 online participants. The online live streaming feature was a first-time add-on to bRead More>>