Pujya Swami Subodhananda ji conducted a Geeta Gyan Yagya in Jaipur from 4th to 10th Sep 2015. In his simply unique style he explained the shlokas from the 7th chapter of Bhagwad Geeta,”Gyan Vigyan Yoga”. The devotees were enriched by Swami ji’s simple, clear and lucid explanations of the shlokas. The devotees are always captivated by his vast knowledge, power of memory and his way of making even the most difficult shlokas easy for all to understand.
The venue of the Yagya was the air conditioned auditorium of Mahaveer School, C-Scheme, Jaipur. About 400 seekers attended the Yagya daily.
The Yagya was kindly sponsored by Sh. O. P. Modi, a well known builder, Social Worker and philanthropist of Jaipur.