This year’s Global CHYK Camp revolved around the great sages of India. The great land of Bharat is blessed to bear the footprints of various Saints and Sages, who went beyond the bondage of dogmas and outdated social and religions unessential norms to realise that Truth – The One. Few are lucky who get a taste of that infinite ecstasy under the direct guidance of a Guru. The CHYKs experienced just that in a span of seven days.
‘In the footprints of Giants’ was beyond text and life stories of these great Sages. Be it Guru Nanak, who taught us the art of selfless service and sharing or the Rajasthani jogan, Meerabai whose bhajans made us pine for the dark complexion Flute Player, Sant Jnaneshwar with his metaphors, or Bharatiar with his Patriotisim, Kabirdas with his outspoken practical wisdom or Shankaracharya with pure knowledge revealing the Self, these Giants taught us that irrespective of life circumstances, it is our prime duty to reach out to our infinite potential and realise the Truth. With our every want and need taken care of, we were propelled towards introspection, reflection and questioning which were answered readily by Swami Swaroopananda, Swami Anukoolananda, Swamini Supriyananda, Br. Gopal, at any time of the day. The activities put the ideals we learnt about, into practice. Be it performing skits, trying to imbibe the qualities of a true seeker or colouring each other in the colours of Gokul in search of the Supreme or silent meditation, the Global Chyk Camp 2014 gave us a taste of everything. The icing on the peak cake was the movie, “On the a Quest” bringing alive the greatest Giant in our life, Pujya Gurudev.
Under the blessed guidance of Swami Swaroopananda in the holy and joyful atmosphere of Chinmaya International Residential School, every CHYK commenced their journey to reach their inner Self and were inspired to walk in the Foot Prints of the Giants and maybe …….. leave behind their own Giant Foot Prints.