The Grace of the Master!
The day before the commemoration of the centenary of Swami Chinmayananda, on the occasion of the first public screening of the movie “On a Quest” in Reunion Island, we experienced a great moment in the history of our Chinmaya Mission Reunion. Despite a low media coverage of our promotion of the event, the first screening was a great success and it was also an opportunity to remember that our approach is not intended only for a specifici community, a religion or a strata of the society.
That afternoon of May 7, 2016, reflecting the diversity of our beautiful country (Reunion island), the audience was rather colorful and all the colors of the various communities that make up our beautiful nation were represented. Despite this diversity of socio-ethno-cultural backgrounds and spiritual beliefs, there was at the end of the film a wonderful unity in the appreciation of this universal beauty that shines through the life of a Master. The universality of His message and the authenticity of His quest did not fail to touch the heart of all those who have taken the trouble of coming there. The spark that we could see in the eyes of all those present at the end of the movie was a clear indication that the grace of the master leaves its infallible mark on all those who come in contact with Him, albeit through such an indirect way as watching a film.

In fact, although His Grace is sometimes more clearly evident than at other times, wisdom will make us understand that the grace of the master is ever with us, because the Truth tha He reveals and that is reflected in his entire life, is nothing other than the beauty and happiness of our own true Self. And it is only to guide us to our own divinity, by prompting us to begin our quest towards the Reality, that the master, whatever his name and whatever his form, always appears, sooner or later, in our lives.