Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Tattamangalam celebrated the 69th Indian Independence Day in the presence of a very special person, Sri Bala chandran Karthat  personally gracing the function as chief guest.  This great personality is a true Gandhian who had extended selfless service to community for several decades. Not only he is associated with  freedom movement and Gandhiji, he is also one of the founder members of the Sabari Ashram which is poised to be the Sabarmathi Ashram in South India.
He was at the helm of several Gandhian movements like caste related movement, land related movement, harijan seva etc  that has  resulted in gaining dignity to the down trodden and under privileged.   Needless to mention several honours and awards have come to him and the government has recognised this hero of our land at several occasions.
I must  say, Our children got a chance to see a freedom fighter in person and listen to his experiences and I could see their excitement. He was highly impressed by our students performance and hospitality accorded to him.Â
The students rose to the occasion and did their best. Same way the parents too have enjoyed the performance by our students and the wise words of the chief guest.
In the Service of the Lord,
Nirmala Haridasan
Principal,CV Tattamangalam,Palakkad, Kerala 678 102