Chinmaya Jyoti Yatra reached Gujarat on the auspicious day of Diwali, 11-11-2015. The Yatra was received by the Acharyas of all the Centres in Gujarat at Sahyog Trust, care centre for leprosy patients at Rajendranagar near Rajasthan – Gujarat border. A welcome ceremony was arranged by Shri Suresh Soni, trustee of Sahyog Trust and an old time devotee of Pujya Gurudev. Surprisingly, the event and the place were not the part of itinerary but somehow it was felt as if Gurudev had opted to meet His devotee.
Yatra reached Paramdham Ashram, Ahmedabad with a splendid ceremonial welcome followed by Paduka Puja. A grand Public Function was held on 12-11-2015 in the presence of Hon. Governorshri of Gujarat, Shri O.P.Kohli as the Chief Guest along with Swami Adhyatmananda from Sivananda Ashram and Shri Surendrabhai Patel, former AUDA Chairman. Hon. Governorshri expressed his gratitude towards Pujya Gurudev for the work done by Him, and His role in uplifting the spiritual and cultural values after the political independence of the country.
Chinmaya Sandesh Vahini travelled to various parts of the city like Tattavirth Ashram, Sola Bhagawad, Balaji Temple Kankaria, Vallabh Sadan, Swaminarayan Temple, Shahibaug where people in large numbers visited the exhibition and Sandesh Vahini. At Swaminarayan Temple, Swami Brahmaviharidas ji in his address recollected his every incident with Pujya Gurudev. All members of the Chinmaya family were overwhelmed with emotions. He recollected how Gurudev told him, “You are after my job”, when he addressed in front of Gurudev. He also shared numerous incidents and talked about the bonding between Yogi ji Maharaj and Gurudev despite they never ever conversed in words. Yogi ji Maharaj did not speak English and Gurdev did not speak Gujarati but divine SOULS never needed a language to communicate.
The three day program at Ahmedabad culminated with a grand procession from Paramdham Ashram to Samrtheshwar Mahadev temple covering a stretch of more than 5 kms.