Looking Ahead – Bala Vihar (USA) in Indian Languages

For several years now, there has been a demand to create a common and consistent curriculum for all languages within the Bala Vihar programme in Chinmaya Mission Centres in USA. There are numerous benefits for students, teachers, parents and Centres to have a nation-wide syllabus that is uniformly followed across all Chinmaya Mission West Centres. Many sevaks (volunteers) from across different Bala Vihar Centres recently came together to create a curriculum proposal for some of the Indian languages.

At this time, the curriculum proposal will be presented for the following languages:

  • â—Ź Gujarati
  • â—Ź Hindi
  • â—Ź Kannada
  • â—Ź Malayalam
  • â—Ź Sanskrit
  • â—Ź Tamil

Know how you can help!

If you are a teacher or volunteer with Bala Vihar anywhere in USA, you can:

  • â—Ź Volunteer to create teacher & student learning materials
  • â—Ź Support formalizing a process for assessments, evaluation and certification
  • â—Ź Discuss plans to roll out these language curricula in your respective Centres starting 2022-23
  • â—Ź Help find external sources for books and other resources from established institutions
  • â—Ź Consider using the proposed curricula to seek county/state accreditation for foreign languages


If you need any further information, or if there is interest in creating a similar curriculum for other languages not listed above, please email languages@chinmayamissionwest.org.

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