With Gurudev’s grace and Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda and Swami Swaroopananda’s blessings, the new centre for Chinmaya Mission France was inaugurated on Saturday 3rd December, few days before Gita Jayanti, thereby at an auspicious time.
The ceremony started with a Pûjâ conducted by Swamini Umananda, CMF, followed by a satsang of bhajans with all the members of the congregation, mainly the attendees of the study groups.
Swamiji then conducted a brief session sharing the highlights of her recent lecture visit to Canada, and the schedule of events planned at the centre over the coming months. She welcomed the Chinmaya family to their new home, and invited everybody to explore the centre.
This was followed by a distribution of Prasad to all.
The centre is now fully operational and changes will be made, shortly, to the website and the official documentation. Is is located in a very nice area of Paris, in the west side, near Unesco and Eiffel Tower.
We invite all members of the worldwide Chinmaya family to come and visit us in our new home!
Unto Him Our Best