Date : 17 Feb 2025
Over 200 Study Group members of Bengaluru met in Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Koramangala on Sunday 16 February 2025 in the holy presence of Swami Brahmananda to discuss and share about the text, Ganapati Atharvashirsha. The study began three months ago when Swami Brahmananda asked all study group members to take up intense study of the text in their weekly classes. All members took the study seriously and studied with all sincerity usingSwami Tejomayananda’s commentary for reference. Many members were found to chant the text daily once and some twice daily with not only deep understanding but also trying to find the subtler meaning of each shloka with their own experiences. The enthusiasm and thirst to get better clarity was clearly visible in every member present.
Swami Brahmananda blessed the gathering with a power packed introduction of the text following which the members were divided into 10 groups with each group having 40 minutes to discuss on a set of shlokas given to them. After discussion the moderator of each team was given 5/6 minutes each to present the points discussed in the group. The quality of discussion and the depth of understanding by each team was of a very high standard which was visible in the presentation that covered not only the gross meaning but also several subtle aspects including references to other texts as well as examples from daily life.
Swami Brahmananda summed up the discussions explaining the in-depth philosophical significance of Ganapati Atharvashirsha and expressed satisfaction at the sincerity and understanding of the text by members.