
‘This is a sacred day dedicated to Lord Krishna. For centuries together, the story of Krishna has been repea¬ted on this day in our country. Krishna was born on this day in our country. Krishna was born on this day in Mathura and we are inspired by the story year after year. Later, Krishna married several wives and perhaps divorced some! Thus we have brought him down to our own level and think that we are not as bad as Krishna. This was the idea for a very long time. Perhaps this is the superficial meaning of the story and it has become a slogan for the cheap missionaries to be blasphemous on Hinduism.1

The significance of this story is very great. Hinduism accepts no history to be worth remembering. AH history which Hinduism accepts is only His-story. This His-story is clouded in mystery, for it is but My-story. Actually there is no mystery, in His-story. Everything is so scientific and logical. The seeming mystery has been explained to be always My-story. Because He is Me and I am He. “The Son and the Father are one”, says the Bible. Thus from His-story, it happens to be, on enquiry, a revelation of My story. It gives a straight answer to the question \”Who am I?”

‘Krishna is Truth. He was born in the quiet heart-caves of the Rishis. Those Rishis gradually transmitted their knowledge to their disciples. Thus Krishna was removed from the prison to Yasoda’s house—the disciples’ heart. There is no pain in this unique delivery. The Guru gives the child without the agony of labor pains. While we are sleeping in fatigue and exhaustion, wearied in produc¬tion and destruction, we know not, that there is born a baby, called knowledge—Krishna—in our bosom. Engag¬ed perpetually in procuring, keeping and spending, we are fatigued, and then in the deep sleep of midnight, the child is born. The senses are the gate-keepers who slept-off when Krishna was born in the prison.’

As long as we are engaged in these outer activities, the Scriptures do not open their secrets to us. When we are fed up with these and go to sleep to forget them, in medi¬tation, this child is born. When we have fully enjoyed life in all aspects and find no peace out of them—in that quiet sleep, the maturity of understanding, the Light dawns. The Scriptures are taught to such a heart.

‘Today is a wonderful day. The Lord is coming, so people fast. Devaki is in pains; therefore, you do not eat food. Fasting is Upasana, i. e., to live near the Lord (Upa—asanam). Attunement to the Lord through meditation is fasting. While contemplating, it is an agony to eat. For intellectual work, eating food and indulgence in the world outside is detrimental—for Krishna’s birth is Enlightenment! Food means satis¬faction for the senses. Starve the senses! Uplift them to the contemplation! The thick darkness has come. Be brave! Light will dawn. There must be no fear. The Sun has dawned in our bosom. Thus we turn inward in meditation. In that silence of the heart, in spite of thunders, we must remain sufficiently long. Then only, in that long-earned tranquility will we experience the birth of Krishna, the Light!’