Prem Dhara at Delhi

The unconditional love that flows from God to all beings, fills lives with plenty, inspires gratitude to the Lord and expresses in the form of passing on blessings to the less fortunate. Keeping with this teaching, through ‘Prem Dhara’, Chinmaya Mission Delhi distributes free rations every month to destitute and single women. Monthly talks change their view of life and they become more positive. They are also encouraged to learn a skill to become self-reliant.

The 5th batch of Prem Dhara was flagged off on 8 May 2022 at Chinmaya Centre of World Understanding, Lodhi Road, Delhi. Swami Prakarshananda distributed rations and told the ladies about Chinmaya Mission’s Guru Parampara. He told them that just as the weather changes, similarly the circumstances in our lives keep changing. Joy and sorrow are all temporary. Whatever comes also goes. We have no control over things, like we grow from a child into an older person, or from birth to death, our teeth and hair falling off. It happens as it’s meant to. It’s not in our control. So if we understand this then we will not feel sad. Our mind should be our friend.

During the interaction, the ladies were taught how to do Japa towards their Ishta, or chosen form of the Lord. They were very grateful for the timely help extended to them by Chinmaya Mission.

‘May thy Grace and Blessings flow through us to the world around us.’

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