Prof. B. Mahadevan, Vice Chancellor, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, received the Vishishta Sanskrit Sevavrati Samman Award for 2016 from the Honourable Minister for HRD Shri Prakash Javadekar, at the inauguration function of the ‘Sanskrit-Saptahotsavah’, on August 17, 2016 held in New Delhi.
In his acceptance speech on this occasion, Prof. Mahadevan cited how, for decades, Sanskrit has been considered a legacy, treasure and heritage, and how it was now imperative to give it its due, by institutions like Chinmaya University bridging the knowledge traditions with current day applications. He added that there was a need to encourage research in Sanskrit and to come up up with new creations in the language. This needed to be ensured. To nurture Sanskrit, we will need to give shape to new institutions.