January 16 – February 5, 2018
Bhagwan Shri Krishna has said in Bhagavad Gita 18:69 that the one who distributes knowledge to devotees is most dear to Him and in doing so offers the ultimate service. Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda, out of divine compassion, conducted a 21-day jnana yajna of the complete Bhagavad Gita at Chinmaya Vibhooti. 300 seekers attended the full camp and an additional 75-100 attended at least for one week if not more. Guruji paved the way by starting with the background of Mahabharat leading into the explanation of Gita Dhyanam, shlokas that were chanted at the commencement of every class. Guruji pointed out how blessed we are to study the ancient knowledge that the Lord gave to Surya (Sun), only because of Pujya Gurudev’s tireless work. The objective of the study as enumerated by Guruji throughout the camp was to improve our life by self effort: Uddharet atmnaatmanam…6:5
Guruji said, “Gita is a manual of self unfoldment and how to live life to rise higher, inviting each and everyone at whatever stage of spiritual evolution one may be.” Through Karma yoga, by offering every action to the Lord and accepting all results as prasad (His gift) one purifies the mind and that allows vichaar (reflection), tyaga (sacrifice) and sannyasa (renunciation) leading to jnana (knowledge) with the realisation that I am the Atma. Guruji said, “The wise man lives in the body, the ignorant live as the body.”
During the course of the three-week camp, there were bhikshas, Paduka Pujas, aartis as well as many special celebrations. On January 21, the day started very early to celebrate Shri Ganesh Jayanti at Pranav Ganesh Mandir, with homa, abhishek, puja and archana. Chanting of the Ganapati Atharvashirsha 11 times created a most divine environment. Pujya Guruji’s presence showered all devotees with the love and blessings of Pranav Ganesh Bhagwan. Republic Day, January 26 was also celebrated with flag hoisting by Guruji and singing of his patriotic composition – Dhanya Dhanya Bharat Maata as well as the national anthem and Vande Mataram.
The camp successfully concluded on February 5 with Guru Paduka Puja and ashtottara namavali of Gitaji. Guruji has composed Gita Kavita, a condensed composition in Hindi of the teachings of each chapter. He sang each chapter of Gita Kavita and released the book by handing a copy personally to all attendees as prasad. Many of us had heard discourses on the Bhagavad Gita in the past but Guruji methodically gave us a way of life, where all the pieces glided beautifully into the whole. Guruji commented, “Some were informed, others were transformed while a few were enlightened!” Jai Bhagavad Gita! Jai Gurudev!