Self Unfoldment Programme in South Africa

The 4th Self Unfoldment Programme (SUP) at Chinmaya Mission South Africa reached a fulfilling culmination on 10 April. This specially curated course gives an opportunity to seekers at all points in their spiritual journey to come together under the guidance of an accessible teacher, within a sacred space, for a considerable time period – for students to rise to the right frame of mind, know the life-changing lessons of the ancient scriptures and experience spiritual ecstasy devoid of compromise.

From 10 March to 10 April 2024, 15 students from South Africa and India resided at the Chinmaya Mission Durban Ashram, Headquarters of CM SA, and received a nourishing spiritual experience under Swami Abhedananda (Spiritual In-Charge, Chinmaya Mission South Africa).

Students learned authentic Vedic chanting and basic Sanskrit, taught by Brahmacharins. Swami Abhedananda covered the Prashnopanishad, Chapter 7 of the Bhagavad Gita, and portions of the Ramcharitmanas in full depth, enlightening students on the practical lessons, universal truths, and the path toward Moksha, as encrypted in the shastras.

The comforts and divine routine of the Ashram along with the blessed darshan of the magnificent Lord Shiva at the Chinmaya Shivam Temple, have left an indelible mark in the hearts of all students. An experience as this one is truly rare to have anywhere in the world!

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