Swami Chinmayananda at Parliament of World’s Religions

In 1993, Swami Chinmayananda was invited to speak at the Parliament of World’s Religions. Due to the condition of his health, he couldn’t make it but that wasn’t the end of that! Almost 30 years later, he made his way to the Parliament through the biopic on his life, ‘On A Quest’. On 17 October 2021, ‘On A Quest: A Biopic on the Life of Swami Chinmayananda’ was screened at 2:00 PM ET / 11:30 PM IST at the Virtual Parliament of World’s Religions. Attendance was by prior registration. The virtual movie screening followed by a live Q&A with Swami Mitrananda, who led the scripting, direction and production of the movie.

Part of what was said by Swami Mitrananda:

The movie is about our life – all of us are on a quest and we do not know where to seek. In this movie we brought out how Swami Chinmayananda, who was a non-believer, took this up and moved in the right direction and he found his way – so it should inspire us to get back on a Quest! That is the aim – to show people how a person walked this path, served the community and reached the highest.

What Chinmaya Mission does, is what he has told us to do – Seek the Self through study and service; Self Unfoldment through Study and Service. That is what He has taught and that is what we have tried to bring out in the movie.

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