Pujya Swami Swaroopanandaji has visited Kadapa for the first time from 10th to 12th Nov.2019. On this occasion Chinmaya Mission Kadapa organised ‘Karteeka Deepotsavam’, a mega cultural & spiritual event in the Municipal Ground of Kadapa everyday from 6:00 – 9:00pm. The entire venue was decorated beautifully with elaborate arrangements for the grand Deepotsavam to which around 4000 people attended everyday. The stage and the Himalayan backdrop was prepared by the special skilled workers from Kolkata and special lighting was brought from Hyderabad. First day Pujya Swamiji was welcomed with Purna Kumbha along with the music of auspicious instruments by many devotees, Swamins & Brahmacharins of A.P & Telangana. Everyday after the cultural programme, Pujya Swamiji spoke on ‘Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra’ followed by the grand Depotsavam programme in which thousands of people lit thousands of lamps. Last day on ‘Karteeka Poornima’, Pujya Swamiji witnessed the Kalyanotsavam of Lord Siva & Parvati.
At Sri Lalita panchayatana Temple which is the biggest Temple of our Chinmaya Mission, Pujya Swamiji addressed balavihar kids & children from various schools of Kadapa on first day on the topic ‘learning with joy’, second day addressed youth on the topic ‘How to face challenges of life, and third day addressed Study group & Devi group members on the topic ‘glory of Satsang’. Swamiji also participated in ‘Maha Poornahuti’ of Chandi Havan on full moon day.