Life presents a variety of problems at different levels.
INDIVIDUAL: health, emotions, relationships, marriage, children, career…
NATIONAL: poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, corruption…
Analysed honestly their root cause is…
…lack of proper thought and action.
Wrong thoughts lead to:
- a defective vision
- a chaotic relationship with the world.
AND so result in…false expectations and
…disappointments at every step.
AS thinking improves…
- home environments mend
- the world is a better place.
But ALAS! Caught up in wrong thinking…
Many choose to suffer…rather than to think!
The solution: Think Big! Act Wisely! Show results!
Right thinking is most required
Remove barriers of pettiness…THINK BIG!
Big things are achieved…by mentally daring to conceive them.
Man dared to think…he could reach the moon,
…and lo! Man landed there!
NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE for the one who thinks so.
Thoughts alone bind and make us small.
Thoughts alone can free us.
BREAK this bondage of narrow, limiting thought…THINK BIG!
Not just as an individual but even as a nation.
With an altered vision…proper understanding…a good attitude
…strive hard…ACT WISELY!
Swami Chinmayananda declared…
Keep a calm…balanced head…act efficiently…SHOW RESULTS!
Purity, efficiency and wisdom should steadily grow.
The result of work should reflect in the environment.
The team mates…should be integrated and happy.
The work…should lead to harmony, beauty, and all round prosperity.
Use all available opportunities to:
- harness the inner potential
- break barriers in thinking
- learn the secret of right action
BE inspired…ACHIEVE greatness in the world WITHIN and WITHOUT.
We can! We Must! We Will