Home Study Courses

Knowledge alone can give us a sense of detachment, without which life is a bondage and freedom only a dream.
Bhagavad Gita Course
Pujya Swami Chinmayananda was indeed the Gita Acharya of modern times. His commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, ‘The Holy Geeta’, is acclaimed as a philosophical masterpiece and a manual on spiritual life. CIF offers the Bhagavad Gita Course to students of Vedanta, spiritual seekers, and to all those who wish to live a life of quality and perfection.
You may choose either the Online or Postal mode .There is no need to change your faith, religion, or spiritual master to study this course.
The primary aim of the Bhagavad Gita Course is to make life glorious by following the ‘Gita-way’. It provides holistic, insightful coverage of the entire text in a lucid and simple style. It provides inputs for continuous improvement, and in the modern context, it becomes a practical manual to live a transformed life of goodness and greatness.
This Course aims to harmoniously blend the subject matter of the Bhagavad Gita, with the subjective disciplines of spirituality. Together, both will enable you to understand, internalize, and actually live by abiding to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.
“Go through Gita…Grow through Gita”.
Mahatma Gandhi said: “The Gita is the universal mother. She turns away nobody. Her door is wide open to anyone who knocks.” This encapsulates precisely the universal nature of the eligibility criteria for this course. CIF welcomes anyone who wishes to bring about a qualitative improvement in their way of life to take up this course. Knowledge of Sanskrit is not required.
Head – Home Study Courses
Chinmaya International Foundation
Adi Sankara Nilayam, Adi Sankara Marg
Veliyanad, Ernakulam District
Pin – 682313, Kerala, India
Phone: +91-92077-11140 | 91-484-2749676
E-mail: gitacourse@chinfo.org
Find out more about the Bhagavad Gita Course.