Home Study Courses

Knowledge alone can give us a sense of detachment, without which life is a bondage and freedom only a dream.
Upanishad Course
The Upanishads reveal to us that we are beyond life and death, good and bad; that we are the Supreme Brahman, the Highest Reality. This ultimate Reality of life, when realized through the triple means of shravana, manana and nididhyasana reveals the Self as the source of all Bliss and Knowledge within. The entire universe becomes one’s own abode, and comes to be experienced as a glorious expression of the Self.
We are able to see, hear, taste, smell and touch. What is that which makes this body, essentially inert, sentient? What makes our senses, mind and intellect function? Rarely do we wonder and ask about this Cosmic Phenomenon that provides us with life. Some rare individuals wonder and for them begins the journey towards the Self.
Through the study of the Upanishads, and sincere practice of its teachings, one would bask in its knowledge, discover oneself, and become fulfilled
Being an advanced study that demands a deeper understanding of Vedanta, students will benefit well if they have been already introduced to Vedanta, or have studied at least a few prakaraṇa-granthas or basic texts of Vedanta. Knowledge of Sanskrit is not a requirement.
Head – Home Study Courses
Chinmaya International Foundation
Adi Sankara Nilayam
Ernakulam DistrictÂ
Pin – 682313, Kerala, India.
Phone: +91-92077-11140 |Â +91-484-2749676
E-mail:Â Â upanishadcourse@chinfo.org
Find out more about the Upanishad Course.