Chinmaya Institute of Nursing

Do not work without rest and do not rest without work.
- Swami Tejomayananda
The Chinmaya Institute of Nursing (CHIN) is a sister institution of the Chinmaya Mission Hospital (CMH), under the Karnataka Chinmaya Seva Trust. It was started in 1985 under the inspiration and guidance of Dr. Susheela Purushothaman. The three-year Diploma Course in Nursing and Midwifery recognised by the Indian Nursing Council and Karnataka Nursing Council commenced in 1986. The intake is 30 students per year. They receive clinical training at the Chinmaya Mission Hospital.
‘Service to Society is Service to God’ is the driving principle for this Institute. The students are trained to serve with devotion, gain confidence and attain a keen sense of responsibility to patients. Classes in Indian philosophy, culture and ethical principles are also held.
With approvals from the Government of Karnataka, affiliation from the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences and recognition from the Indian as well as the Karnataka Nursing Councils, the Institute has now been upgraded to a College. A four-year Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Degree  course in the Nursing College, with an approved intake of 40, started in 2009. Dr. (Mrs.) Sumithra is currently the Principal of the Chinmaya Nursing College and Institute.
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The objective of the Course is to prepare the students to assume responsibilities as professional, competent nurses and midwives who can make independent decisions in nursing situations, and function in hospitals and community areas. It also aims to make students understand basic scientific principles and technological advances, learn communication skills and pleasant bedside manners – all required for quality patient care.