Swami Advaitananda

Chinmaya Mission Nasik

Chinmaya Chetana Ashram




422 003

Maharashtra , India



Swami Advaitananda has served Mission Centres like Indore, Allahabad, Kolkata, Durban, Mumbai and Chinmaya Vibhooti. Being an outstanding teacher with a depth beneath his simplicity and humility, Swamiji has taught two batches of students in Vedanta Course in Hindi at Sidhabari and one batch in English at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Mumbai as the Acharya -in-charge.

Endowed with a saintly heart overflowing with love and compassion for all and a pleasing personality, he is open to all those who seek his advice. He lives the philosophy he preaches, ever devoted to His Master and the knowledge of the ancient scriptures.

Upcoming Events

16 Mar 2025 - 20 Mar 2025

Marathi Camp on Dasbodh (Bhakti)